Care and Play zone (Day Care centre for 6 moth to below 5 years old Children) :
Care and Play zone (Day care) centre is mainly a community based early childhood development and care . Here children listen to stories, recite rhymes with the caregiver, sing, and play and have fun. Teachers of the pre-primary schools are in regular touch with these facilitators and assist them in their work. Children attend pre-school after graduating from these centers. It has been proved to be a great initiative as school readiness as experienced. 6 Month to 2 years activities for children. Day long care & activities.
Dhaka South City Corporation has 8 centers run by Surovi where children of working parents stay from 8 am to 5 pm. Each center has 2 trained care givers.
SUROVI, House # 16, Road # 05, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.
(+880-2) 44613637
info@surovi.org, surovi69@yahoo.com