What do we offer?
Day Care Centre (for 6 month to below 5 years old children)
Day care centre is mainly a community based early childhood development and care. Here children listen to stories, recite rhymes with the caregiver, sing, play and have fun. Teachers of the pre-primary schools are in regular touch with these facilitators and assist them in their work. Children attend pre-school after graduating from these centers. It has been proved to be a great initiative as school readiness as experienced.
Shishu Bikash Kendra (SBK)
Children ages 3-4 years are the target beneficiaries of this component. The beneficiary children come from the ultra poor families. Shishu Bikash Kendra (SBK) has been established in the slum communities. The well trained Facilitators conducting a set of activities learning through playing appropriate for the younger children in a child-friendly space particularly in centre-based approach in the community level. Learning materials and playing instruments are provided to the learners free of cost. Parenting We are supporting parents both male and female as well as our caregivers to understand the importance of children’s early years. Our work strengthens their skills to provide nurturing care. We believe if arents and caregivers are confident and skilled enough to improve the lives of their children and and learn how to care for them, that will contribute a lot to bring up the children as good citizen. Our parenting work encompasses all aspects of nurturing care including health, nutrition, protection from violence and accidents, love and responsiveness, play and early learning.
SUROVI, House # 16, Road # 05, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.
(+880-2) 44613637
info@surovi.org, surovi69@yahoo.com