The organization has been formed on the basis of a constitution duly approved by the registration authority. SUROVI constitution clearly define the nature, objective, structure and management responsibilities. Management structure of the organization consists of General Committee and Executive Committee. The General Committee consists of 27 members while Executive Committee consists of 07 members. Management of the organization is over seen by the Executive Committee leaded by the Chairperson. The EC meets at quarterly intervals for necessary review and strategic decisions. The general committee...
The organization has a structure and Organogram where the key staff positions are clearly shown. The organogram also indicates segreggation of departments and who is reportable to whom. Each and every position has clear job description that enabes concern employees to carry out his duties and responsibilities.
SUROVI, House # 16, Road # 05, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.
(+880-2) 44613637,