SUROVI commenced its voyage in 1979 with the heartiest effort of the noble philanthropist Syeda Iqbal Mand Banu, with a gracious envisage to set in harmony with the poor, distressed and vulnerable children and women. Being a child rights and child wellbeing organization, SUROVI envisioned for a society which will be free from inequality and injustice, a community where no child will be deprived from her/his rights and dignity and no children will be ruined by poverty. Near about four decades of relentless efforts to make this happen, SUROVI has embraced new grounds and opened up new avenue to help the disadvantaged and vulnerable children to bring meaningful and lasting changes in their lives. During this long span, SUROVI has adapted with the changing situation and provided the most time-bound services especially for the poor and disadvantaged children and their families.
A child focused and community based approach has been adapted by the organization while consideration was given to the national plan and policy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as guiding principle. SUROVI is one of the organizations expanding its development interventions across Bangladesh covering over one million vulnerable children, women and people living in poverty line.
SUROVI, House # 16, Road # 05, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.
(+880-2) 44613637
info@surovi.org, surovi69@yahoo.com