; Surovi

All- Notice

Orphan Scholarship Program 2024-25

Date: 20 September, 2023

Dear Respected Principals, Greetings from SUROVI. I hope this mail finds you well. We are delighted to inform you that Canadian Bangladesh Muslim Society (CBMS) has launched its program titled Orphan Scholarship Program. The scholarship will be available for orphan students in Bangladesh. We are requesting you to apply for the orphan students who are from Grade 7 to 9. Please complete the attached application form and email it along with all required documents to cbms.scholarships@gmail.com by application deadline 15th December, 2024. CBMS 2024 Scholarship Form - https://t.ly/A9f6I CBMS 2024 Scholarship Selection Criteria - https://t.ly/KL68Z


Get in touch!


  • SUROVI, House # 16, Road # 05, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.

  • (+880-2) 44613637

  • info@surovi.org, surovi69@yahoo.com